Category Archives for Pies, Cobblers and Crisps

Homemade Apple Pie Recipes

Freshly baked apple pie, shown here baked in a cast iron skillet, but could also be baked in a regular pie tin.

There’s a reason they call it “As American As Apple Pie”. We have certainly perfected this simple little treat over the years. Below you will find two of my favorite homemade apple pie recipes. The first is a little more involved (but certainly well worth the little extra effort), while the second recipe is easy enough even […]

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Homemade Chocolate Pie

Homemade chocolate pie with meringue topping

Yum, is there anything better than a nice slice of homemade chocolate pie for dessert when you have a hankering for something chocolate? If you ask me there isn’t so it’s about time I shared one of my favorite pie recipes. Enjoy! Homemade Chocolate Pie Recipe 2 cups sugar 1 cup flour 5 eggs (separate yolks […]

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Tender Shortening Pie Crust Recipe

Here's how to make a tender pie crust from scratch using shortening.

Some of my favorite desserts and treats are homemade pies. What makes a great pie? A tender crust that melts in your mouth, but one that’s also strong enough to hold whatever delicious pie filling you put into it. That’s what this tender shortening pie crust does. I hope you try the recipe. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:43] This […]

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Flaky Pie Crust Recipe

Here's my favorite recipe for flaky pie crust.

Is there anything better than a flaky pie crust? If you’re in the mood to bake a pie, give this simple recipe a try. The key is minimal ingredients and as little handling as possible. I’ve tried to make the directions as clear as possible. Give it a try, but like with other “simple” recipes […]

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Easy Pumpkin Pie Recipe

A slice of my favorite pumpkin pie. Recipe in the blog post.

It wouldn’t be fall without some delicious pumpkin pie. This recipe is as easy as it is scrumptious. If you’ve never made pie from scratch, give it a try. You can use a prepared crust or make your own using this pie crust recipe. The following recipe is from the “Pie Recipes from Scratch” book. […]

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Tomato Pie Recipe

Here’s a recipe from my latest Kindle book The Tomato Cookbook: Tomato Recipes From Soup To Grilled. It’s a great little tomato pie that’s perfect for a light lunch or an appetizer when you have guests over. What better way to show off your homegrown tomatoes? I love this recipe because it is so simple. […]

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Banana Split Cheesecake

Makes 2 pies 2 extra serving sized graham cracker crusts 2 8oz. pkgs. cream cheese at room temp. 4 c. powdered sugar Mix the powdered sugar and cream cheese and spread evenly on 2 crusts. 1 can crushed pineapple, drained 4 bananas sliced 1 largest size cool whip chocolate syrup cherries pecans Divide the pineapple […]

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Hillbilly Pie

3/4 cup light corn syrup 3/4 cup white sugar 3 eggs 1 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup margarine, melted 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large bowl, combine corn syrup, sugar, eggs, melted margarine and vanilla. Mix in the oatmeal. […]

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Apple Dumplings

Here’s a simple dessert that looks much fancier than it is. If you like a nice tart apple pie with a caramel like topping, this is for you. All it takes to make these simple apple dumplings is some granny smiths, a can of crescent roll and a little sugar, butter and juice to make […]

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Non-Dairy Pumpkin Pie

This is a recipe I came up with because our son loves pumpkin pie and has a total milk allergy. Everyone in the family eats it and really likes it. It taste like regular pumpkin pie. 3/4 cup sugar 1 heaping tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ginger 1/4 tsp.cloves 2 […]

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