Tomato Pie Recipe

Here’s a recipe from my latest Kindle book The Tomato Cookbook: Tomato Recipes From Soup To Grilled. It’s a great little tomato pie that’s perfect for a light lunch or an appetizer when you have guests over. What better way to show off your homegrown tomatoes?

I love this recipe because it is so simple. It lets the fresh tomatoes shine. It’s one of those southern staples that may sound a little odd if you didn’t grow up with them, but you’ll quickly change your mind when you taste the first bite.

To make it easy, I suggest you use a pre-made pie crust, but you can certainly make your own. Here’s my favorite homemade pie crust recipe.

[zrdn-recipe id=”65″]


Here’s another great tomato recipe. It’s cold tomato basil soup. Perfect for a light summer lunch. And yes, if you are drowning in homegrown tomatoes, you could definitely serve the soup and pie together.

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