Simple Banana Oatmeal Cookies

I’ve been doing a good bit of baking lately and today I’m making a batch of these banana oatmeal cookies. Since we’re all stuck in the house, with extra time on our hands, it only makes sense. Plus it’s a great way to relieve stress and feel like we’re treating ourselves to a little something special. Even if that “something special” is an extra cup of coffee and a healthy cookie in the afternoon.

This simple two ingredient recipe is quickly becoming my favorite way to use up ripe bananas. This recipe uses no flour and is gluten-free. You can make this with any reasonably ripe bananas, but the darker they are, the better the end result will taste. If your aren’t quite ripe yet, consider adding a spoon of honey, or a little bit of sugar to sweeten things up. It won’t be quite as healthy, but I won’t tell anyone.

Glass jar with cookies spilling out of them. Text reads "Quick & Easy Banana Cookies"

Outline below is the very basic recipe for these cookies. They are great if you follow the directions as is, but even better when you add a few extra ingredients. Experiment. Play with these cookies. Get the kids involved, and come up with a version all your own. Dig around the pantry and see what kinds of dried fruits, nuts, and chocolate chips you can find. Or throw in a handful of mini M&Ms if you have them sitting around. It’s your cookie. You add what you want to.


Allow the cookies to cool completely. Store them in an airtight container for two days on the counter, or up to a week in the fridge … if you can get them to last that long. The cookies also freeze well if you want to make a bunch at once. Thaw at room temperature until completely defrosted.

This is the basic recipe. From here, you can play with it by adding more ingredients. Try adding up to 1/3 cup of a combination of any of the following:

  • Mini chocolate Chips
  • Peanut Butter or Butterscotch Chips
  • Raisins
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Chopped Walnuts
  • Chopped Pecans
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Dried Dates (chopped)
  • Candied Ginger (finely chopped)

Or add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a splash of vanilla to the batter before forming and baking the cookies.

I hope you give these two ingredient banana oatmeal cookies a try. They are quickly becoming a staple around here.

Of course this isn’t the only thing you can make with ripe bananas. Try these banana muffins, or one of my other favorites – homemade banana nut bread.

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