Quick Pickled Red Onion Recipe

Have you ever had pickled red onions? They are sweet and tangy with just enough bite to punch up whatever dish you add them to. The best part? They come together in a few minutes and then hang out in the fridge, waiting to be eaten.

I’ve been trying to get a larger variety of whole foods into our diet and “eat the rainbow”. Red onions are a wonderful frugal addition. They also add quite a bit of flavor with few calories. Why do we try to eat many differently colored fruits and vegetables? To stay healthy. Here’s something I read the other day:

The deeper and richer the color of a fruit or vegetable, the more vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals it contains. Red grapefruit and onions are healthier than white varieties.  – From Clemson University Antioxidant Factsheet.

Does that mean I’ll replace all my yellow and white onion with red ones? Of course not. Instead, I’m trying to find new ways to sneak in a few colorful vegetables where we wouldn’t add them otherwise. For example, aside from maybe a bit of lettuce or a slice of tomato, we don’t usually add much to our sandwiches. These pickled onions are easy to top on a turkey and cheese. That’s the key to making healthy changes, isn’t it? It’s got to be easy and it helps if it’s super tasty.

An open jar of pickled red onions

Ready for the recipe? It’s incredibly quick and easy to make these simple pickled red peppers.

[zrdn-recipe id=”68″]

I hope you give these a try. I’ve made them with different types of vinegar – whatever I had on hand – and like them best with apple cider vinegar. We love them on almost anything. If you like them, you may also enjoy these cucumber and onions in vinegar.

Questions about Homemade Pickled Red Onions:

If this is your first time considering making these pickled red onions, you may have questions. Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked ones.

How long before you can eat pickled onions?

It depends on how thick or thin you slice the onions. I usually let them sit overnight in the fridge before cracking the jar open. Once they turn bright pick and are good and cold, they are usually ready to eat. They will get better over the next few days as they continue to marinate in the simple brine.

How long do pickled red onions last?

They will last a good two weeks to a month in the fridge, though they never make it that long in mine. If you don’t find you eat them quickly, it may be a good idea to put a date on the jar and toss it after a month or so.

What goes with pickled red onion?

What doesn’t? Seriously, whenever I have a jar of these in the fridge, we pull them out with most meals. They are great as a topping on sandwiches, burgers, or salads. I also often pull them out with dinner to use as an extra condemned. They are also great to give that little something extra to leftovers. Try them with anything that could use a little sweet and savory punch.

Do you have a question I didn’t answer above? Leave it in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer.

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