Christmas in July Is All About Presents – Frugal Tip

Since we’re talking about Christmas in July this week, let’s talk about getting a head start on Christmas presents as well. This was one of the smartest things I did last year. Not only did it save me lots of cash, (by being able to shop around, take advantage of deals and make more presents than in years past), it also made the Holiday season much more enjoyable. No fighting crowds at the stores or all-night knitting sessions to get presents done in time.

Buying Presents

Start by figuring out who you want to give a present to this year. Yes, make that dreaded list. Then see who would appreciate a homemade gift. For example… I know my younger nieces love hand-knitted little toys, while the older ones couldn’t care less. I am starting to look now for some fun accessories or a deal on giftcards, books or music downloads for them and set those things aside.

Think Outside The Box

Don’t just wait for your favorite stores to run big sales around black Friday. Keep an eye out for coupons and sales both in the store and online now. Speaking of online… Online Shopping has gotten very save and you can find all sorts of things at a great price using your favorite search engine. If nothing else, look at Amazon to see if you can find the same (or similar) item there for less. You can now even purchase gifts to local businesses on Amazon. They are similar to the things Groupon offers.

And remember, a gift doesn’t always have to be monetary. Thing about what the person likes and appreciates. Make a nice card and invite your best friend in it over for a girls night at the house complete with DIY pedicures, a glass of wine and a romantic comedy (while Hubby takes the kids to grandma’s house for example). Or take her out to lunch and some window shopping.

Holiday Gift

Making Presents

I love to craft and especially to knit, so I end up making quite a few gifts in the months and weeks leading up to Christmas. Many family members, friends and acquaintances will appreciate a handmade gift, a cake or a nice plate of homemade Christmas cookies.  Indicate on your list who you think will appreciate a homemade gift. You don’t want to spend weeks knitting a beautiful lace shawl for someone only to have it end up in the back of the closet. Pick and choose carefully and judge reactions when you give out handmade gifts. File that information for future gift giving.

Encourage your kids to make gifts for loved ones as well. Even the youngest can draw a nice picture and you can stick it in an inexpensive frame to give to Grandma… those gifts are always much appreciated. The summer is also a great time to get older kids into new crafts. I’m teaching my daughter to knit and we’re figuring out how to dye yarn together and are having a blast. It’s a fun way to spend the summer and gets us ahead for Christmas gifts.

For More Gift Ideas…

Homemade Christmas Gifts and MoreWould you like to steer clear of the holiday shopping crowds? You can with this guide to Homemade Christmas Gifts and More.

Making Homemade Christmas gifts is one way to actually enjoy the process of gift-giving. Not only are homemade gifts and decorations frugal, they’re more fun!

We don’t have to rush out to the mall to shop for Christmas when we have ideas for creating gifts right at home. Take time to enjoy your holiday season. Click on and download now to start planning your frugal AND fun Christmas.


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