Manhattan (Roast Beef and Gravy) Sandwich Recipe

I would love to have a good recipe for what in my neck of the woods growing up was called a Manhattan, when you went out to eat and ordered it. It’s roast beef with brown gravy & Mashed Potatoes.

They would put it on sandwich bread, layer the sliced beef on top of it then top with another piece of bread and pour gravy over the top, slice in half and then they would put a big scoop of Mashed Potatoes in the center of it and pour gravy over all of it.

I can say, this is my favorite thing to eat and would love to have a good recipe so I can make this at home. Thanks for any help.

From the Hillbilly Housewife:

This sounds like the perfect recipe for leftovers when you’re making a roast and mashed potatoes for dinner. The key would be to get the beef sliced thin enough to work well for sandwiches. Homemade mashed potatoes made from real potatoes, butter and cream or milk would be great as well.

I’m sure HBHW readers will have some great recipes to share. Got a favorite roast beef recipe? A tip for making perfect beef gravy? Please comment below.

Sliced Roast Beef

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