Girls Scout Chili

I am submitting this because although it may not sound “holiday”, it sure helped ours.

One year I was crazy busy making our usual traditional Thanksgiving feast. In our new little mobile home kitchen, that requires 3-4 days of juggling what gets cooked when since. In our hectic dance of preps, cooking and cleaning only to repeat several times, we ate whatever we could sample, pop in the mic, or spread on bread.

On one of these manic days, my daughter and hubby were complaining they would like something hot on such a damp cold day. I looked around, feeling overwhelmed told them..look..if you can do it in one pot, in 15 minutes, go ahead or make another sandwich. My daughter’s face lit up. “Ok Ma..I’ll make Girls Scout Chili!” She did and every year now..Girl Scout Chili is part of our holiday preps.

  • 1 jar any flavor spaghetti sauce
  • 1 lb. meat..ground or diced..turkey, beef, sausage, chicken etc
  • 3 cans of “Pork and Beans” or baked beans.

Cook meat, add sauce and beans. Eat.

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