No Wheat, No Sugar Recipes

I am not sure if anyone can help me, but I am desperate for a few new recipes. I have been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption and so have a ton of dietary restrictions. Basically what I CAN have is plain meat (ham and bacon are usually sugar cured), potatoes, rice, spinach, lemon, mushrooms, garlic, and dairy. I CANNOT have wheat, onions, soy, beans, sugar in almost any form (including artificial sugars and natural sugars- I can have dextrose/glucose), fruit, and almost no vegetables (only a few greens are OK). I also have to watch corn in certain forms. Like I can have degermed cornmeal and cornstarch, but not plain corn. Anybody have any ideas? It has been terribly expensive buying gluten free, sugar free things and trying to still not eat the same 5 meals. My staples right now are alfredo with rice noodles, potato soup, mushroom soup, plain hamburgers, plain roast, and chicken and rice. I have a family of five and would like to only have to cook one meal at night. Just hoping someone might have new ideas to try. Thank you in advance for anything.

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