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-1 Timothy 6:8

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Sausage Cheese Balls

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  • 1-1/2 cups Biscuit Mix
  • 1 pound bulk turkey sausage
  • 3 or 4 cups of shredded cheese

Get out a big bowl. Measure the Biscuit Mix and cheese into the bowl. Add the raw sausage. Use your hands to mix everything together like meatloaf.

It is sort of gooey, but the finished product is worth a little goo. Shape the mixture into small balls the size of walnuts or egg yolks. Place them on a cookie sheet and bake at 350° for 25 minutes.

Remove them from the oven and drain them on paper towels. These are best when they are still warm, but are still rather tasty cold. Makes about 75. 

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