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-1 Timothy 6:8

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Orange & Onion Salad

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  • 2 large oranges, or 3 smaller ones
  • 1/4 cup minced onion
  • Salt to taste

I am almost embarrassed to write this out as a recipe because it is so simple. Because of it's popularity, however, I thought I should grant it the dignity of a recipe proper. First peel the oranges. Cut them across the equator, into slices. Then stack the slices and chop them into pieces. Peel and mince the onion, storing any leftovers in the fridge. Do not use more than 1/4 cup of onion, this ratio is carefully taste tested. Combine the onion and chopped oranges in a bowl. Add salt to taste. A few shakes is usually sufficient. The salt marinates in with the orange and onion turning this into a real salad recipe, instead of just a weird fruit combination. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill until serving time. It is good with grain dishes and casseroles. When you are looking for a cool, zingy salad to remind you of summertime, this is the one for you. It is almost crude, until you taste it, and then it is inspired. Children do not like it much. Adults love it.

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