Tag Archives forfrugal living

Saving Soap Slivers – Frugal Tip

Don't toss that last little bit of the soap bar. Put it to use with these simple little tips.

Part of being frugal means using up every little bit of …well, everything.  That even holds true for bar soaps. I’m sure you have some little bits and pieces of soap sitting in your shower or on your bathroom counter right now. You get to the last little bit and someone opens a new bar […]

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Homemade Towel Rug – Frugal Tip

Turn old towels into this cute diy bath rug.

Do you have some old bath towels that have seen their better day? We all have them and since I’m living frugally and trying to reuse and recycle everything I can, I’m always looking for new ideas. We’re at that time in our live where all the good quality towels we received many, many years […]

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How To Make Bone Broth

Here's how easy it is to make that first batch of bone broth. All it takes are the leftovers from that roasted chicken, some water and a splash of Apple Cider vinegar if you have it. The only other ingredients are heat and time.

Bone broth is the liquid you get from boiling bones in water for several hours. It has a lot of nutritional value, is full of minerals and is said to help boost your immune system. It’s also very tasty and makes a wonderful base for all sorts of soups and stews. The easiest way to […]

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Homemade Croutons

Turn stale bread into delicious croutons.

Homemade croutons are a great way to use up leftover bread. If you don’t like to make sandwiches out of the heels of your bread, toss them in the freezer and when you have about 10 slices, thaw them on the counter and get started making croutons. This also works out really well when you […]

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10 Tips For Beating Rising Food Costs

Grocery prices have been going up and up over the past few years and there is no end in sight. I don’t know about you, but we’re spending a much bigger chunk of our budget on food these days. That means I’m making every penny count and doing my best to make smart purchases. Today […]

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How Long Will Hard Boiled Eggs Keep?

How long will hard boiled eggs last and how should you store them.

I shared my Simple Snacks Ideas the other day and got a great question in the comments. Jennifer asks: “How long are refrigerated boiled eggs safe to eat. I write the date on the shell in pencil when I boil them, but don’t cook more than 7-8 at a time because I’m not sure about […]

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Frugal Fabric Softener Alternatives

Doing laundry with fabric softener alterntatives.

An easy way to save on laundry is to skip fabric softeners and dryer sheets. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have nice, fluffy laundry and sheets that don’t cling to each other. The trick is to use some of these reusable alternatives. Aluminum Foil Balls This couldn’t be simpler. Go grab the heavy duty […]

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Does Bacon Grease Need To Be Refrigerated

Tips for using and storing bacon grease or bacon drippings.

Bacon used to be a cheap breakfast meat, but no more. Over the past few years, it has gone up quite a bit in price. Of course I’m still bacon, because …. well, it’s bacon and it tastes amazing. I don’t think it needs any more explaining than that. We’re still eating bacon regularly, but […]

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How To Get Free Moving Boxes

Packing up to move with free boxes.

Some good friends of ours are getting ready to move and we shared some tips with them for getting free moving boxes. I thought I’d share the same info with you here. Even if you aren’t getting ready to move, these tips may come in handy down the road, or even when you have to […]

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Get More Juice Out of Limes and Lemons

Here’s a tip from  fellow Hillbilly Housewife reader about getting more juice out of lemons and limes. (Edited for Spelling). Place the fruit in the microwave oven for approximately 35-50 seconds. Let them cool and set aside till you can pick them up without burning your hands. This works great especially if you’re weak or […]

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